Elk Horn Barber Shop - Right to Left: John Carnes, Mr. Naas, Unknown, Harley Fields, Steve Creek
In this photo sitting on left Jerry Casey and Dennis Mathews. In barber chair closest to back: Paul Rice, Bill McReel, Joe Caviness, Ray Davidson. Barbers starting with the closest: Harley Fields, Mr. Ruth, John Mayhall, Mr. Naas. This photo was taken in 1955.
This display of shaving mugs in the Elk Horn Barber Shop in Bentonville is a memorial of days gone by when men kept their shaving mugs at whatever barber shop they used. The collection was first started by Kit Campbell who orginally owned the barber shop. The mugs belonged to the prominent men of Bentonville. Harley Field had a second rack for mugs with his own personal collection in it. The mugs were used until the last lather-and-shave patron bought himself an electric razor.
In the 1950's the two racks inside the barber shop held about 80 mugs each (160 mugs total).The displays they were kept in were known as the Bentonville Racks. One of the mugs that was in the shop for many year was Governor James H. Berry, who served as the governor of Arkansas from 1883 - 1885.