This is a Civil War Letter written to a Miss Miller. The letter was written a month before the Battle of Pea Ridge. The soldier writing this was serving as a cook at a Union hospital in Fayetteville at the time of the letter. It tell of his adventures of getting from Vinton, Iowa, to Fayetteville, Arkansas. The Union forces had pushed the Confederate forces into the Boston Mountains at this time, but in a month the Union forces would be pushed back to Pea Ridge. The writer of the letter is unidentified.
[Note: this is being presented exactly as transcribed from the original letter. A more undestandable transcription follows at the bottom of the page.]
February 4, 1862
Miss Miller
after my respects to you all I take my pen in my hand to inform you that I am well at present and I hope thees fiew lines will find you all enjoying the Same State of health as I was Seating Studying a bout the foalkes in Iowa it appeard to me that I promised to write to you that day that I leaft vinton and according to promise I know take my pend in hand to leat you know a bout my war Eseperience well I went from Cedarapids to Clinton Iowa and stade thare a bout to weakes and then wee left on the Steam boat and landed in St Louis MO and Stade thare one Weak and then we we leaft for Roley on the feary and Stade thare 3 dayes and then we Drawed a team of 6 mules and Camp fittout and we traveld then by land and Arived at Springfield in 8 dayes 120 miles and then we Stayed thare 1 or 2 dayes and then left for Peeridge and Camped thare 4 dayes and then we traveled to Arkansis and over the hills and hollowes and then we got Order to strike tent at Sundown and we travelede All knight and to and to tenn Oclock the next day 39 miles and the last 3 miles on a dubel quick and we was ordered to throw a way overcoats and Blankets so we Cood Geat to see the Elefant but when we reached the ground the Rebels leaft that knight and morning and ourtramp was in vain but wee did not know that they was gone when wee Reached the battle fiel and we was plased in the line of Battle we esepected every minuet to hear the word to Repeart of Canions but we had the Plase Surounded on 3 Sides and another Genearl was too late geatting in or wee wod had Sum Rebels in a pile this point was New Fonig Arkinsaw and then we leaft and arived at Fayettevill Ar but the Rebels left that point and wee Campet thare 2 dayes and came back within 12 miles of Springfield to a Camp by the name Osark River and then I got Sick and the Command was ordered back to Fayettevill and I was Sent to the hospital the sick for and I stayed thare 4 weakes and then got well and then 3 doctors wanted to go to Fayettevill and wanted me to Cook for them and I and another solder Sarted on for Cookes and we have Been Cooking ever Since wee are Cooking for A Hospital know and are having a Good time Beeley for they cook
Below is a more readable translation of the letter below.