Eagle Mill Enters Into Feed Business With Trade Name From The Benton County Democrat (1950) Now the NWA Democrat - The Century of Progress Edition
One of the pioneer plants of the area which today is a progressive organization serving the needs of the poultry and dairy industry is the Eagle Mill located here.
The mill, originally started as a flour mill, was incorporated in 1940, and is owned by Mayor J. C. Knott, Gordon Knott and Mrs. E. P. Knott. Completely rebuilt with new machinery throughout, the plant is now a feed mill and shortly will be on the market with the new feed under the trade name "Eagle Feeds."
J. C. Knott, who is president of the organization, was connected with General Mills and later the Quaker Oats Co., before coming back to Bentonville to take over the Eagle Mill.
A pioneer in the poultry and dairy business in this area, the organization now have their feed formula for dairy cattle feed being tested by the National Reasearch Council, in an effort to produce the finest feed possible for dairy cattle.
Eagle Milling Company near the old Kraft plant at 514 S.E. 5th St.
The mill is well equipped with new modern equipment to serve the needs of the area. A hammermill with a capacity of 7 1/2 tons an hour, a molasses mill with a capacity of ten tons an hour, new scales and ample storage facilities handling 20,000 bushels of wheat alone, are among the new equipment, designed to make it the finest in the area. The Eagle organization was a pioneer in the poultry financing business in the area.
"Our aim is to make the finest feed possible," Mr. Knott said, "a poor feed might fool the farmer, but a poor feed will not fool the dairy cow."