Capt. Whitfield C. Lefors was born in Scott County, Ky., June 25, 1830, and was a son of Samuel and Margery (Montgomery) Lefors, who were born in North Carolina and Kentucky in 1785 and 1792 respectively The father died in Texas in 1849 while the mother died in Arkansas in 1876. The father removed with his parents to Kentucky when a child, and there became a successful farmer. Samuel's father, Raney Lefors, was born in France, and came to America in his youth, and afterward married Miss Gillispie, of Irish descent. Mrs. Margery (Montgomery) Lefors' father was Henry Montgomery by name, an Irish refugee, who came to America and served in the War of 1812, and died while on his way home after the close of that war.
Whitfield C. Lefors moved with his parents to Morgan County, Ill., in 1831, but soon after went to what was then the Territory of Arkansas, and in 1833 became a resident of Green (now Dade) County, Mo. Here he grew to manhood, and received such education as the meager facilities of that day afforded. In his eighteenth year he and his parents immigrated to Texas, where he was married to Miss Martha L. Hale in 1850. She was born in Christian County, Ky., October 29, 1836, and died July 25, 1886, a daughter of Benjamin Hale, a farmer. Mr. Lefors farmed in Texas until October, 1854, when he came to Benton County, Ark., settling on unimproved land, and began the task of opening up a farm. In August, 1863, he enlisted in Company F, Second Arkansas Cavalry, U. S. A., and served in Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi. He rose rapidly to the rank of first lieutenant, and afterward acted as captain of his company. At the close of the civil war he returned to his home and resumed farming.
In 1868 he was elected sheriff and collector of Benton County, and held that office from March of that year until January. 1873, being afterward appointed county treasurer, which office he held two years. He also served one year as mayor of Bentonville. He resided in Bentonville from 1869 until 1885, but after that time has resided on his farm. He lived in comfortable circumstances, and was one of the progressive farmers and worthy citizens of the county.
He had seven children living, all of whom have received good educations; their names are Elbridge Gerry. John Henry, Virginia, Elijah Oscar, Capt. Drummer, Lillie and Daisy. He also had seven children who died young, whose names are Richard Whitfield, born August 10, 1852, died April 16, 1863; Samuel Green, born January 15, 1854, died August 14, 1854; Benjamin Patten, born December 12, 1855, died March 22, 1857; Fremont, born January 9, 1857, died May 6, 1876; Charles Bingly, born June, 1869, died September 12, 1871; Martha Ellen, bornin the fall of 1872, died April 10, 1873; Lucy, born March 25, 1879, died November 15, 1880.
Adapted from Goodspeed - History of Benton County, Arkansas, 1899